Sunday, 11 November 2012

My Book is at the British Library

My book on James of Ammanford, is listed on the catalogue of The British Library in London. My book has also been purchased by The National Library of Wales. I am overwhelmed and overjoyed by the positive response it has received, thus far, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has purchased my book.

I am still taking orders via this website, and a few books have been sold to local bookshops. My book is currently listed on Amazon, Waterstones, and Foyles, but I have taken the decision to hold back on supplying to large retailers temporarily, due to the commission that retailers take. I am already receiving a large number of orders via this website and by telephone, which I am always very happy in dealing with personally.

If you have enjoyed my book, please feel free to leave feedback on this website. I would be delighted to hear from you.

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